Saturday, December 20, 2008

FCCJ Students for Life Goals and Planned Projects for the Spring Semester:

FCCJ Students for Life

Goals and planned projects for the spring semester:

·        The club will have at least three days of life awareness.  On those three days we will host a booth on campus where we explain viable options for unwanted pregnancies outside of abortion, why abortion is always wrong, etc.  On the selected days, members will have information at a booth to help parents, future parents, and curious students on life issues.

·        As a club, members will go through an educational book (like a book club) on a pro-life/pro-choice related topic.

·        Members of the club will help host Jacksonville’s “Run for Their Lives” 5k Run.

·        The club will have at least two days of fundraising, perhaps selling smoothies.

·        The club will have two movie nights, we will discuss the topics of life and liberty in the movies.  (Some examples of movies may include: Amazing Grace, Come What May, Cider House Rules, etc)

·        The club will strive to host an open forum for FCCJ students to ask questions on life-related topics that we will answer.

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