Saturday, December 20, 2008

FCCJ Students for Life Goals and Planned Projects for the Spring Semester:

FCCJ Students for Life

Goals and planned projects for the spring semester:

·        The club will have at least three days of life awareness.  On those three days we will host a booth on campus where we explain viable options for unwanted pregnancies outside of abortion, why abortion is always wrong, etc.  On the selected days, members will have information at a booth to help parents, future parents, and curious students on life issues.

·        As a club, members will go through an educational book (like a book club) on a pro-life/pro-choice related topic.

·        Members of the club will help host Jacksonville’s “Run for Their Lives” 5k Run.

·        The club will have at least two days of fundraising, perhaps selling smoothies.

·        The club will have two movie nights, we will discuss the topics of life and liberty in the movies.  (Some examples of movies may include: Amazing Grace, Come What May, Cider House Rules, etc)

·        The club will strive to host an open forum for FCCJ students to ask questions on life-related topics that we will answer.

FCCJ Students for Life Club Officers

The officers for the club are as follows:

President – Andrew Travis Pantazi (

Vice President – Racquel Doty

Treasurer – Benjamin Appelo (

Secretary - Nathan Sauder (

Monday, November 17, 2008

FCCJ Students for Life Constitution

Constitution of Florida Community College at Jacksonville Students for Life

Article I: Name

The name of this organization is “Florida Community College at Jacksonville Students for Life.”

Article II: Purpose

Members of Florida Community College at Jacksonville Students for Life work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia and destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at Florida Community College at Jacksonville and in the surrounding community, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice and to work with others who share common goals.
In order to help improve the quality of life for children who are already living, members shall volunteer and help parents, childcare facilities, parenting help organizations, and members shall help in any way that is deemed fit for improving the quality of life in the surrounding community.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Florida Community College at Jacksonville Students for Life is open to all Florida Community College at Jacksonville students, faculty and staff. No Florida Community College at Jacksonville student, faculty member, or staff member may be denied membership on the basis of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, age, disability, or veteran status.

Section 2: To become an official member, one must request official membership verbally or via e-mail to the President or Secretary.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: The officers will include a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2: Officers will hold office for a one-semester term. No officer shall hold any office for more than three terms. However, they do have the option of running for another office after their three-semester term is over. For the first semester of existence, however, the officers will be appointed.

Section 3: Roles of Officers

A) President

1) Schedule and organize meetings and activities

2) Conduct the meetings

3) Provide general upkeep of the club

B) Vice President

1) If the president is unable to perform any of the previously mentioned tasks, it will be the responsibility of the vice president to temporarily take over that particular role or responsibility

2) Performs any reasonable task requested of them by the President to further the goals of the organization

3) Handles publicity and media relations

4) Attends any external meetings with which the group could be associated and in addition establishes relationships with community groups, i.e. pregnancy care centers and local pro-life organizations

5) Organizes regular recruitment drives

C) Secretary

1) Keep track of the schedule

2) Updates and maintains membership lists and takes roll

3) Keeps meeting minutes

4) Sends out e-mail reminders

5) Works on publications (website and/or newsletter)

6) Counts election, impeachment and amendment ballots and announces results immediately after the vote is taken

D) Treasurer

1) Collects donations

2) Reports finances

3) Handles fundraising

Section 4: The impeachment of an officer can only occur when a two-thirds majority of official members vote to impeach.

Section 5: In addition to the officer positions, it is at the President’s discretion to appoint students to committees to coordinate specific events or activities.

Article V: Elections

Section 1: Elections of officers will take place at an election meeting to be held once a semester during the first meeting of the semester.

Section 2: Any person may be nominated for an office or may nominate his or herself

Section 4: Officers must be elected by a simple majority via secret ballot.

Section 5: If an officer decides to step down, nominations will be accepted at the next meeting and the new officer will be elected one meeting later.

Article VI: Advisor

An advisor will serve at the request of the President for as long as he or she is willing.

Article VII: Meetings

Section 1: The President must call a meeting at least once a month during the fall and spring semesters. Any official member may call a meeting through consent of the President or any two officers.

Section 2: The meeting location, date, and time shall be determined by the President or by the member calling the meeting.

Section 3: The President, or highest ranking officer that is present, will call the meeting to order and will address any relevant business. Those present will be given an opportunity to speak on each matter.

Section 4: The Secretary will pass around a sign in sheet and will keep minutes on the meeting.

Article VIII: Independence

Florida Community College at Jacksonville Students for Life is not associated with any national, statewide, or local group.

Article IX: Amendments

In order to amend the constitution, an amendment should be submitted to the President. At the next meeting the President will announce the proposal and a vote will take place by secret ballot. A two-thirds majority is necessary for approval.